Proposal Submission Instructions

Please follow the instructions below, exactly.

1. All presenters must register on Conftool. Anyone not registered on Conftool cannot be processed by our system, but it only takes a minute. To create an account log on to and create a username (it can be your email address) and a password. This account will allow you to log in and monitor your proposal status and view the complete program when ready. Through Conference4me, we will also have an app aligned with Conftool where you will be able to view the final program on a smartphone. As indicated, irrespective of whether you participate as a paper presenter, roundtable participant, panel presenter, or session chair, you must create an account on Conftool. The portal will be open from February 25, 2025 through midnight April 15, 2025, to accept submissions. We appreciate your cooperation with this important step. Please note, this is separate from conference registration, where you pay your fee for participation. Updated conference registration, as well as hotel and travel information, will be posted on when available.

2. Before submitting any proposal please read the Call for Papers and familiarize yourself with the theme and the other information on that page regarding proposal preparation.

3. Once your proposal is ready, to submit it on Conftool, log in and click on Your Submissions and then submit an individual paper proposal, themed panel proposal, roundtable proposal, or working session proposal following the directions below. Please insert a note indicating whether you will want to present online. You will receive an automatic confirmation for all submissions.

4. For an Individual Paper Proposal, submit an abstract of up to 300 words, together with a paper title. At the end of the session abstract please indicate how your presentation will address the relationship between psychoanalysis, culture and society, as well as this year's conference theme.

5. For a Themed Panel Proposal, the session organizer must use the Symposium button and submit an abstract of up to 300 words, together with an overall session title, plus authors’ names, titles and abstracts for each of the individual papers in the panel. Remember also: each panel participant must create a 2025 Conftool account. At the end of the session abstract, please indicate how your session will address the relationship between psychoanalysis, culture and society, as well as this year's conference theme.

6. For a Roundtable Proposal, the session organizer must submit an abstract of up to 300 words, together with a roundtable session title, choosing the Roundtable Proposal button for submission. At the end of the session abstract please indicate how your session will address the relationship between psychoanalysis, culture and society, as well as this year's conference theme. Each roundtable participant must have a Conftool account.

7. For a Working Session Proposal, the session organizer must submit an abstract of up to 300 words, together with a session title, choosing the Working Session Proposal button for submission. At the end of the session abstract please indicate how your session will address the relationship between psychoanalysis, culture and society, as well as this year's conference theme. Each panel participant must have a Conftool account.

8. We prefer to limit session participation [excluding session chairing] to two events per participant, but if you are seeking an exception to this please ask us and explain your rationale.

9. If you need assistance, please contact Erica Galioto at However, please do not email proposals to Erica, nor ask her to submit them on Conftool on your behalf.

We appreciate your interest in APCS, and we do hope you consider submitting a proposal.